
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Cheerfulness - Osho

“Nothing that comes and goes is you.
"I am bored." Who knows this?
"I am angry, sad, and afraid." Who knows this?
You are the knowing, not the condition that is known.” – (Eckhart Tolle)

Today I was feeling real jaded rather frustrated at work. Well, I guess most of us have the tendency to get bored or frustrated at work especially when the work is not of ones interest. That is the time when one panics the most and all negative thoughts start corrupting ones mind as well as thoughts. But a huge thanks to internet – some how I manage to read some motivational articles whenever I undergo such situations. These articles generally serve a source of inspiration and at times do lift my spirits.

Read this article somewhere by Osho and gained the zeal of moving on ahead again and off course with cheerfulness in life.

Be of good cheer. Let cheerfulness become a climate that surrounds you day in, day out. Cheerfulness should not remain just an emotion that comes once in a while; it should be a constant undercurrent. On the surface you may be doing anything, but deep down there should be a singing heart.

You maybe involved in day-to-day activities of life, but deep down your energies should remain in a dancing mood. That's the real art of being a sannyasin/renunciate: being in the world and yet not of it. And the only way to fulfill this is to remain ordinary with cheerfulness, otherwise, life becomes boring, one has to do the same things again and again. It becomes routine and rut.

Unless you can remain cheerful, life is bound to become heavier every day. Unless you can keep cheerfulness flowing, your life is going to become dormant, stagnant. Stagnant water start stinking, it remains fresh only if it flows. And the only thing that can keep you flowing is cheerfulness. So don't miss an opportunity; whenever you can, laugh, smile, dance, sing.

Then a miracle happens one day: you become so full of light that you can go in darkness and the darkness disappears. You become so cheerful that you can go into sadness and the sadness starts laughing.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Weird Feelings :(

At times I hate everything about life and next moment I just love everything about it...I seem to be pretty confused about every thing...............Just want to run away but question arises - with whom and where??? ;)

Hmmm....I think Avoo will be the best and the most eligible person.
What do you say Tini ;)