
Saturday, July 3, 2010


In the abyss of darkness, I see streaks of light flickering at a distance from my window. Right now, sleep seems to have taken a back seat from my eyes. I have somehow noticed – rain and particularly silence around me gives me a motivation to analyze and think about the intricacy of life. They are some how stimulants for my writing. Air in the room is fresh and there is a relief from the scorching heat of the sun. I can hear a melancholy of silence being fused with the rattling of wheels of the train passing through tracks at a far of place. I see absolute blackness in the sky and when I look at it from my window I get mesmerized with the stars and moon. Far in the sky, I can see a solitary star twinkling by itself in the limitless sky - secluded, speechless and I some how know that star belongs to me and is talking to me.

It’s trying to prove its essence in the world. But it cannot articulate or express its thoughts like us. Its sheer presence in itself is its expression. Whereas we can express but we don't use our faculties when we really should. Many a times it so happens that what we think we fail to articulate the thought to other person(s). I can understand how important expressions/thoughts are for human beings only if they are/were understood well by people. - Life would have been much easier. :)


Abhay said...

I love your expressions and thoughts because it makes me understand the essence of life in many ways.Keep giving those expressions and writting your thoughts

Alka Singh said...

We all need to express our feelings and to be heard and accepted. Expressing ourselves can help you to process, express, and let go of your feelings/thoughts. Not everyone feels the same way. Not everyone reacts to the same events with similar emotions. People are different; they feel what they feel, and they think what they think, and there is no one way or right way to feel or think. Just as we need to accept our own feelings/thoughts, we need to accept others' as well, including -- and especially -- when they don't match up with our own :)